Musical Theatre

Theatre craft covers dancing, singing and acting. The integration of all three disciplines is a difficult skill to master. We work on the three disciplines and use West End production pieces to bring the elements together for performances.
Script writing is key to developing the students understanding of story telling, historical context and pace of a show.
Choreographic skills in dance are developed. The understanding of chorus work and lead role are covered. We address many traditional dance styles where appropriate to the era and character of the musical we are studying. It is very varied and challenging.
A detailed singing warm up is taken at each session and ensemble singing with ranging harmonies are incorporated, alongside solo singing to encourage lead roles.
We have to date written musicals, created montages of west end classics and tackle full length musicals all performed to a public audience.
Students are also encouraged to understand and take an active role in the production elements such as set, costume, lighting and promotion of the shows we produce.

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